The Critical Masses Podcast – Episode 015: 2013 Year in Review


The Critical Masses Podcast logo by John Newcomer (Twitter: @thejohnisjohn)

Episode 015: 2013 Year in Review


Hey, whaddya know, 2013’s over. Huh.

Ryan here. Was it a good year? Memorable in any way? I hope so. I’m suffering from a yucky head cold as I write this, and so I can barely remember last week, let alone twelve months ago. If I could bring your attention to one thing, it would be my snot. Because that’s what’s first and foremost on my mind.

You know how everybody does lists at the end of the year? We kind of did that. John, Matt, Evan, and I came up with a bunch of stuff we liked, and talked about it, podcast style. Hear it for yourselves.

Oh yeah, it’s kind of coming back to me. There were some good things. The second Hobbit movie came out. It was super relaxing.


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